Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Professional Development Days

This event is a "sell-out"! 
Thank you for your interest in our event, however ticket sales are now closed. We hope to see you at a future MNCMN event!


Professional Development Days
Training Series

Normandale Community College
Bloomington, Minnesota

February 18th and 19th, 2016

Thank you for your interest in this exciting training opportunity! Prosci® and the Minnesota Change Management Network (MNCMN) are partnering to bring the 2016  Professional Development Days to Minnesota. 

This 2-Day, multi-faceted series of training events represent a unique opportunity to work directly with Tim Creasey, Prosci® Chief Development Officer, Author, Researcher, Global Thought Leader on change management and highly rated, Internationally acclaimed presenter.

We know there is a lot of information on this blog page... please note that this post contains information regarding Thursday's Executive Breakfast, afternoon Roundtable Forum and evening Change Summit; Friday's morning and afternoon Advanced Certification Training events; and sponsorship opportunity details.

We hope to meet you at Professional Development Days!

Thursday, February 18th, 2016
Executive Breakfast
for Change Architects and their Business Executives
with Prosci’s Tim Creasey

Organizational Agility as a Strategic Imperative
Although cliché, change is the new normal, and the only thing we can be assured of in the future of our business. Numerous studies have found that agility is one of the most important core competencies that an organization can build in today’s ever-changing world. In his executive breakfast keynote, Tim Creasey will explore the current state of organizational agility, the key attributes of an agile organization and the appetite and efforts for building agility as a core capability.

Event Details:
Time:  7:30 AM – 9:00 AM (90 Minutes)
Location: Target Corporation, 1000 Nicollet Mall, Minneapolis, MN  55403
Cost: $500 per corporate table of 5 seats
               ·     Limited number of tables available
               ·     Continental breakfast included

Payment also includes 5 registrations to the MNCMN evening Change Summit with featured speaker Tim Creasey, with a continuing dialogue on building organizational agility through enterprise change management (additional value worth $225).

Registration Form: Deadline for registration is February 11, however, payment may be made up to the date of the event on February 18.

Event Sponsor packages are also available. Contact mncmnprofdev@gmail.com for more information.

For more information about the MNCMN Professional Development Days Events (February 18 & 19, 2016) go to www.mncmn.org events tab.

Thursday, February 18, 2016
“Super Summit” Event Day

Event 1: Roundtable Forum - 2:00 pm to 4:30 pm
A Roadmap for Building Organizational Change Management Capability
Building change management capability across an enterprise is a journey. This two and one half hour roundtable forum, facilitated by Tim Creasey, will apply the framework of “Project ECM” to share a roadmap for assessing the current state of organizational change capability, define a future state of organizational change capability, and explore the transition state.

     Small group discussions and guided conversations will enable participants to co-create instant data and guiding principles to support the journey toward organizational change capability
     MNCMN Members: $45/Guests: $65 (pre-event registration required)

Event 2: Super Summit - 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm
Building Organizational Agility through Enterprise Change Management
Organizational agility is a strategic imperative and crucial source of competitive advantage in the years ahead. The velocity, pace, size and complexity of change on the horizon means that those who can “out change” the competition will be the winners. This keynote session by Tim Creasey will explore what you can do to build an organizational change management capability to increase organizational agility and success on an increasing portfolio of change.

     Educational keynote format with a pull forward from the insights from the afternoon session
     MNCMN Members: Free with 2016 Membership/Guests: $45 (pre-event registration is required)
     Members and guests are encouraged to invite their business partners and change sponsors

Friday, February 19, 2016
Prosci® Advanced Change Management Certification Workshops

Event 3: Morning Session: 8:00 am to 12:00 pm
How to Write a Business Case for Change Management
If you have ever been challenged to gain buy-in, commitment and resources for change management, learn how to use a structured, formal business case to tell the whole story of change management – from rationale to approach. We will explore the foundations of a business case, how the business case helps change management practitioners overcome key objections and detail the eight sections of the business case as they apply to change management.

     Attendees receive - Prosci Business Case for Change Management template and a 3-month subscription to the CMROI Calculator (retail value: $164)
     Morning Workshop: MNCMN Members: $275/Guests: $375 (retail value: $495)

Event 4: Afternoon Session:  1:00 pm to 5:00 pm
How to Create Your Change Scorecard
Measurement is often the next frontier as disciplines develop. While measurement has been challenging in the change management space, Prosci® is unveiling a new holistic, research-based, multi-layered Change Scorecard (published in the fourth edition of Practicing Organization Development in late 2015). The Prosci® Change Scorecard enables you to co-create a shared vision of success that you can track and measure to deliver better change results.

     Attendees receive the Change Management Blueprint and the new Prosci Change Scorecard before it is commercially available (retail value: $179)
     Afternoon Workshop: MNCMN Members: $275/Guests: $375 (retail value: $495)

Choose both workshops for BIG savings!
     Register for both the morning and afternoon Advanced Certification Workshops: MNCMN Members: $500/Guests: $695 (retail value: $995)

These advanced training sessions are designed for experienced change practitioners, both corporate internal consultants as well as external consultants. You will have the opportunity to work side-by-side with one of the most renowned change experts in the world! Exchange ideas and share experiences with a wide range of practitioners from throughout the Midwest.  These Prosci® advanced certification workshops were recently delivered in London, Sydney and Toronto and received rave reviews. This will be their first time delivered in the USA.

Featuring and Facilitated by:
Tim Creasey,
Prosci® Chief Development Officer

For our out-of-town guests, a block of hotel rooms have been reserved at the Hilton Garden Inn February 17 - 20, 2016. 

The Hilton Garden Inn is conveniently located at: 
5140 American Boulevard W
Bloomington, MN

Our Special Room Types and Rates:
Standard King: Wednesday - Thursday: $129 + tax/Friday - $89 + tax per night
Standard Two Queen: Wednesday - Thursday: $129 + tax/Friday - $89 + tax per night

Ask for the “MNCMN” group rate or book online using this link.
Please make reservations by 
Thursday, February 4
Event Sponsorship Opportunities
MNCMN Professional Development Days

Join the Minnesota Change Management Network (MNCMN) for a unique event bringing together working professionals in change management, project management and other related fields.

Industry thought leader Tim Creasey, Chief Development Officer at Prosci® will lead a two-day event for experts in change management methodology, training, and tools, as well as change consultant resources in this opportunity to partner with MNCMN.

Partnership with MNCMN:
·         Grows your customer base
·         Enhances your brand visibility
·         Drives your business objectives
·         Provides networking with other company executives: Learn, exchange ideas, ask questions
·         Provides exposure to local change management leaders/talent
·         Supports your business change efforts by driving conversations regarding:
*The value of building a change management capability from an executive's point of view
*Ways to improve your organization’s agility
·         Nurtures and develops your change management professionals
·         Fuels your talent pipeline

With your sponsorship package, you are invited to participate with Tim in the forums and workshops, while building relationships with MNCMN members and sharing your expertise.

·         Executive Breakfast: Join in the action with a table for 5!  Tim Creasey will discuss Organizational Agility as a Strategic Imperative over breakfast with you and your current or prospective customers ($500 value)
·         MNCMN Evening Summit: Enjoy 5 complimentary registrations to our most popular event! Tim Creasey will discuss Building Organizational Agility Through Enterprise Change Management at the Thursday evening Change Summit ($225 Value)
·         Sponsor Recognition: Let members know you support MNCMN!
*Your logo will appear on MNCMN website in February, March, and April, 2016
* Display your marketing materials and network with change professionals at a sponsor table during Thursday’s afternoon forum and evening Change Summit
*Special recognition at the Thursday evening Change Summit
For more information regarding MNCMN’s Professional Development Days visit www.mncmn.org
To become an event sponsor, complete this Sponsorship Form; send to mncmnprofdev@gmail.com.
* Custom sponsorship packages also available

WIIFY (What's in it for YOU?)
  • Discounted seating for corporate groups of 5 or more (Executive Breakfast)
  • Network with other company executives; to learn, to exchange ideas, to ask questions (Executive Breakfast)
  • Learn about our MNCMN network/body of work; meet local  change management leaders/talent
  • Learn the value of building a change management capability from an executive's point of view (Executive Breakfast)
  • Learn ways to improve your organization’s agility
  • Network with company executives, change management experts, academic institutions, and professional associations
  • Learn how to assess the current state of organizational change capability, define a future state of organizational change capability, and explore the transition state to move us from here to there 
  • Small group discussions with conversation starters provide opportunity for collaboration
  • See how insights and input can be collected and analyzed in real time (technology enabled)
  • Share job opportunities
  • Learn about organizational agility; a strategic imperative and crucial source of competitive advantage in the years ahead. The velocity, pace, size and complexity of change on the horizon means that those who can “out change” the competition will be the winners. 
  • Fuel your talent pipeline
Professional Development Days are proudly brought to you by the Minnesota Change Management Network,  Prosci®, Normandale Continuing Education, Star Collaborative, The CARA Group, Abreon, and the Minnesota Psychological Association. 

Thank you, Sponsors!